Reconsidering Insider Trading: Economic, Legal, and Moral Perspectives

Tuesday, March 8 at 5:30 PM

Join us in person at RRH 4.402

Panel Guests:

  • Scott Bauguess, McCombs School of Business, Finance
  • Kevin Douglas, Michigan State University, Law College
  • James Spindler, University of Texas, School of Law and McCombs Business School
  • Dan Taylor, University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Accounting

Insider trading is one of the most recognized financial market practices and a topic of enduring public interest, even among those who otherwise pay little attention to business matters. Sensationalized in the media and movies, insider trading usually evokes an immediate negative connotation for most Americans despite being both a permissible and necessary activity for owners of firms. While the moral difference between right and wrong may come easy to many observers, illegal insider trading is surprisingly difficult to define, and has been shaped by decades of shifting court decisions. In this panel you will hear from academic experts in law, accounting, and finance discuss the pervasiveness and economic impact of illegal insider trading, whether definitions of illegal are appropriately defined by case law, whether federal agencies are enforcing it properly, and whether Congress should take action to reshape the laws.