Understanding the Iconoclasm of Nicomachean Ethics ix 8. For if any one is constantly anxious that he himself more than any other person should do what is just, or temperate, or any thing else connected with virtue, and in short is always for gaining something honourable for himself, no one would call such a man […]
We The Living Reading Group
We are meeting several times over the academic year to discuss Ayn Rand’s first novel We The Living.” Then include the chapters to be discussed in each session. Those chapters are as follows: Meeting 1, 9/26: Part 1, Chapters 1–6 Meeting 2, 10/24: Part 1, Chapters 7–13 Meeting 3, 11/28: Part 1, Chapters 14–17
We The Living Reading Group
We are meeting several times over the academic year to discuss Ayn Rand’s first novel “We The Living”: Meeting 1, 01/30: Part 2, Chapters 1–5 Meeting 2, 03/05: Part 2, Chapters 6–10 Meeting 3, 03/26: Part 2, Chapters 11-13 Meeting 4, 04/16: Part 2, Chapters 14–17
Aristotle’s Non-‘Dialectical’ Methodology in the Nicomachean Ethics
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics is often seen as a paradigm case of a ‘dialecti- cal’ work, on a certain understanding of that term. The ubiquity of this interpreta- tion is evidenced by its presence in the introductions or commentaries accompanying most recent translations of the treatise. Irwin 1999, 326-327 (cf. 1998, 347-349) sets forth the view […]
Voting in the American System of Government
Click here to read the full paper.
Lecture Series on “What does it Mean to be For Liberty” (co-taught with Onkar Ghate)
Elucidations Podcast
Greg Salmieri’s Latest Appearance in Elucidations https://elucidations.now.sh/posts/episode-131/
What’s wrong with the concept “libertarian”?
Foundations of a Free Society
Book by Gregory Salmieri Foundations of a Free Society
We The Living Reading Group
We are meeting several times over the academic year to discuss Ayn Rand’s first novel “We The Living”: Meeting 1, 01/30: Part 2, Chapters 1–5 Meeting 2, 03/05: Part 2, Chapters 6–10 Meeting 3, 03/26: Part 2, Chapters 11-13 Meeting 4, 04/16: Part 2, Chapters 14–17